3 Power Yoga Biz Tips from Wellness Coaching [Patreon Teaser]

3 Power Yoga Biz Tips from Wellness Coaching [Patreon Teaser]

I’ve been compiling the reading list for my new coaching training program, and my weekend read had some great reminder tips for us as Yoga teachers! I’ve got three in particular from Michael Arloski’s ‘Wellness Coaching for Lasting Lifestyle Change’ that you’ll love. Become a supporter on Patreon to listen to the full episode: patreon.com/AmyMcDonald

Curious about becoming a coach? Here’s the link to read more: https://www.amymcdonald.com.au/coachingtraining

Book in to talk about working together here: https://scheduler.zoom.us/amymcdonald/coaching

Sign up for online Yoga classes with me here: https://app.moonclerk.com/pay/3znlrz7xsqy4


Arloski, Michael PhD, PCC, Wellness Coaching for Lasting Lifestyle Change, Whole Person Associates, Duluth, Minnesota, 2007.

Turning the Tables: My Yoga Bestie Interviews ME!

Turning the Tables: My Yoga Bestie Interviews ME!

This week I’m joined by Sarah Barguirdjian of Sarahbyoga and we talk about our Yoga careers, our friendship and Sarah asks me the spicy questions about why this and why now. I hope you enjoy it! Follow Sarah on Insta here: https://www.instagram.com/sarahbyoga/

Curious about becoming a coach? Here’s the link to read more: https://www.amymcdonald.com.au/coachingtraining

Book in to talk about working together here: https://scheduler.zoom.us/amymcdonald/coaching

Sign up for online Yoga classes with me here: https://app.moonclerk.com/pay/3znlrz7xsqy4

Overcoming Multi-Modal Shame

Overcoming Multi-Modal Shame

A few years ago I caught myself being a TOTAL judgy bitch about someone’s bio. Like, yuck! Then I realised I was doing it to myself, too. I’d created a FALSE story of what it meant to be ‘multi-passionate’: flakey, crap at business, noncommittal. This week we’re talking about heroes from Yoga who proudly back themselves with thiir variety of modalities and I’ve got 3 reflection questions for you if you might also be playing small and hiding your gifts.

Curious about becoming a coach? Here’s the link to read more: https://www.amymcdonald.com.au/coachingtraining

Book in to talk about working together here: https://scheduler.zoom.us/amymcdonald/coaching

Sign up for online Yoga classes with me here: https://app.moonclerk.com/pay/3znlrz7xsqy4

3 Reasons Why Yoga Teachers Make Incredible Coaches

3 Reasons Why Yoga Teachers Make Incredible Coaches

As a Yoga teacher you've invested heavily to develop the skills to identify patterns and habits and offer mindful and compassionate modifications. As a Yoga teacher you’re a champion of lifelong transformation and growth. As a Yoga teacher you’re skilful at (and you LOVE!) creating safe and beautiful spaces. In this episode I’ll explain why these skills set you up to be a powerful coach with the capacity to co-create lasting change with your clients.

Curious about becoming a coach? Here’s the link to read more: https://www.amymcdonald.com.au/coachingtraining

Book in to talk about working together here: https://scheduler.zoom.us/amymcdonald/coaching

Sign up for online Yoga classes with me here: https://app.moonclerk.com/pay/3znlrz7xsqy4

Brahmana and Langhana In Business [Patreon TEASER]

Brahmana and Langhana In Business [Patreon TEASER]

Enjoy a sneak peak into this month’s Patreon bonus episode about mindfully deploying expansion and contraction energies in business. Hear the full episode by joining Patreon for $5 a month and get oodles of episodes you haven’t heard yet! Here’s the link for that: www.patreon.com/AmyMcDonald

Also this week i’m announcing my BRAND NEW coaching training program! Yep, I’m stepping up to teach you how to be an awesome coach (like me! hehe). Here’s the link to read more: https://www.amymcdonald.com.au/coachingtraining

Book in to talk about working together here: https://scheduler.zoom.us/amymcdonald/coaching

Overcoming Overwhelm to Pitch Your Yoga Biz

Overcoming Overwhelm to Pitch Your Yoga Biz

Today I’m speaking with Genieva Davidson about how to confidently pitch your Yoga business and bring more attention to what you have to offer. Genieva is the owner of Genieva Bliss Media that specialises in PR through press and podcast interviews as well as speaking, grants, awards and in general pitching the business and brand. Genieva became an expert pitcher from back in high school when she pitched herself to hundreds of scholarships to go to college for almost free. From there, she pitched for jobs in her 9-5 and became never afraid to ask. Check out Genieva and her fab-sounding freebie with these links: https://genievablissmedia.com https://genievablissmedia.com/freebie

Join Patreon for $5 a month and get oodles of episodes you haven’t heard yet! Here’s the link for that: www.patreon.com/AmyMcDonald

Interested in counselling? Here’s the link for that: https://www.amymcdonald.com.au/counselling

Check out my new, lean, catalytic coaching package here: https://www.amymcdonald.com.au/coaching

Book in to talk about working together here: https://scheduler.zoom.us/amymcdonald/coaching

All Rod, No Net?

All Rod, No Net?

I’m starting something new this week: sharing the business lessons I’ve received from being a drop-in Yoga student. I’m also reflecting on the importance of having passive marketing working for you, freeing you up to do other things. in your business. If you know you only market when you’re trying to fill something up, this might be a good episode for you!

Join Patreon for $5 a month and get oodles of episodes you haven’t heard yet! Here’s the link for that: www.patreon.com/AmyMcDonald

Check out my new, lean, catalytic coaching package here: https://www.amymcdonald.com.au/coaching

Book in to talk about working together here: https://scheduler.zoom.us/amymcdonald/coaching

Creating Flourishing Partnerships, Experiences and Safe Spaces

Creating Flourishing Partnerships, Experiences and Safe Spaces

Welcome to Season 15! To celebrate the beginning of a new year and a new Season, I’m chatting with Pat Sperry about creating safe spaces, trusting our instincts in business, knowing who will make a great collaborator, protecting boundaries when you’re in biz with your beloved and a load more. Pat’s story of transformation began on a fateful day with a yoga DVD, leading him to a life dedicated to self-discovery and service. His teachings are rooted in Yogic, Buddhist, Taoist, and Reiki lineages, offering a holistic approach to well-being. Learn more about Flourish here: https://www.peaceloveflourish.com/ and Pat here: https://www.patsperrylove.com/ and follow him on Insta here: https://www.instagram.com/beflourish/

Join Patreon for $5 a month and get oodles of episodes you haven’t heard yet! Here’s the link for that: www.patreon.com/AmyMcDonald

Book in to talk about working together here: https://scheduler.zoom.us/amymcdonald/coaching

Important Season Break Pattern Interrupt!

Important Season Break Pattern Interrupt!

Greetings from Thailand! I’m popping out of my season break to remind you about your very last chance to join my powerful group coaching program, Keep Growing. While the sound quality is low in this bonus ep, the message is important: if you KNOW you’re meant to work with me to finally make the difference in your business in 2025, this is THE time. The investment has never been this low. And I’ve never been more obsessed with supporting Yoga teachers to make epic leaps forward. Let’s do this!

Register here: https://www.amymcdonald.com.au/keepgrowing

My 3 2025 Yoga Biz Goals for YOU!

My 3 2025 Yoga Biz Goals for YOU!

To finish off this season of the Abundant Yoga Teacher Podcast, I’ve put together three biz goals I think will make the most significant difference for you in 2025. Thanks so much for listening, and I’ll see you back in the main feed in February.

Can’t wait? Join Patreon for $5 a month and get oodles of episodes you haven’t heard yet! Here’s the link for that: www.patreon.com/AmyMcDonald

I’ve extended the 25% off Grow, Serve & Shine 8-month coaching package for one more person. Here’s the link for info: https://www.amymcdonald.com.au/coaching

Book in to talk about working together here: https://scheduler.zoom.us/amymcdonald/coaching

A Case for Becoming a Spiritual Warrior

A Case for Becoming a Spiritual Warrior

This week I'm joined by Bob Cirino, an entrepreneur and yoga teacher whose aim it is to harmonize humankind with nature. We cover a lot of ground in this conversation, including why Bob thinks we need to think more like warriors on the spiritual path. Find out more about Bob here: https://www.spiritualwarrior.life/ or on Instagram at @bob.cirino

I’ve extended the 25% off Grow, Serve & Shine 8-month coaching package for one more person. Here’s the link for info: https://www.amymcdonald.com.au/coaching

Book in to talk about working together here: https://scheduler.zoom.us/amymcdonald/coaching

Why I'm Retiring and What My Most Successful Clients Have In Common

Why I'm Retiring and What My Most Successful Clients Have In Common

Last week I shared that my 8-month coaching package, Grow Serve & Shine, will be concluding. In this episode I’m sharing 6 things my most successful clients have had in common, as well as a little more as to why I’m ending this package… after 105 clients! Reach out if you are interested in signing up, before I take it down.

I’ve extended the 25% off, if you’re interested in being one of my final clients. Here’s the link for info: https://www.amymcdonald.com.au/coaching

Book in to talk about working together here: https://scheduler.zoom.us/amymcdonald/coaching

Setting Something Down In Order To Grow

Setting Something Down In Order To Grow

Over the past six months I’ve worked with a number of clients who are tightly stuck in the double bind of making money and having time. In this episode I’m sharing the implications of this situation, how it shows up, and a few ways to get out of it. Also, I’m sharing that my 8-month coaching package, Grow Serve & Shine, will be concluding this year. I’ve loved offering this over the past ten years… AND I’m looking to doing things differently in 2025. Reach out if you are interested in signing up, before I take it down.

Shop my FLASH SALE here: https://www.amymcdonald.com.au/flashsale

Book in to talk about working together here: https://scheduler.zoom.us/amymcdonald/coaching

3 Tips for Maintaining Tyāga in Biz Conflict

3 Tips for Maintaining Tyāga in Biz Conflict

I spent the weekend submerged in the Bhagavad Gītā (happy place!). One of the terms my teacher taught us was ‘Tyāga’, dispassion or inner renouncement. I think this is a quality that serves us SO well in business. So I’ve got three tips for you, and a bonus suggestion. Enjoy!

Shop my FLASH SALE here: https://www.amymcdonald.com.au/flashsale

Book in to talk about working together here: https://scheduler.zoom.us/amymcdonald/coaching

Marketing Your Yoga in a Small Town

Marketing Your Yoga in a Small Town

This week on the show I’m joined by marketing expert, Jenn Donovan. After 15 years in law, Jenn bought a retail business in a regional town in Victoria. She built that business into a highly profitable 7 figure business and eventually sold it. Since then, Jenn has been assisting other small business owners, in retail, service based and tourism, around the country, to achieve their business goals. You can find out more about her here: https://socialmediaandmarketing.com.au And you can check out her retreat here: https://socialmediaandmarketing.com.au/work-with-me/2025-women-in-business-planning-retreat-with-jenn/

7 Days, 7 Classes, 7 Love Notes to Yoga

7 Days, 7 Classes, 7 Love Notes to Yoga

Over the past week I’ve been to 7 yoga classes, each different and each wonderful. In this episode I’m reflecting on what I loved about all of them, and what they remind me about: the joy and gift of the ‘standard’ weekly Yoga class. Enjoy!

Access the ‘Black Friday Sale Planning Workshop’ for $5 here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/black-friday-113120554

Check out the Abundant Yoga Teacher Retreat happening in January here: https://www.amymcdonald.com.au/retreats

Book a time to ask me your retreat questions: https://scheduler.zoom.us/amymcdonald/coaching