I’m often asked to speak on the topic of bridging the gap between spirituality and wealth.
I get it.
I used to think there was a gap.
No, a chasm.
Want proof?
I did my entire 200 YTT with a $6 yoga mat from Target than had an attached valcro strap that got stuck in my hair EVERY Savasana.
I shaved my head for 12 years because who was I to deserve long locks? And it was a cost saver with shampoo.
I went to the cheapest, coldest Yoga classes, including a class with a teacher who didn’t even take her work boots off during class, because it was cheaper than going to a studio.
On my first trip to India I stayed at the cheapest guest house for a month EVEN THOUGH there was a stalker who slept outside my door EVERY NIGHT!
I could go on (and on and on!!)
Perhaps this does make me somewhat of an expert when it comes to bridging the gap!
So today on the podcast I’m going to give you a Yoga philosophy throw-down about money, having a business and being a Bhakta!
And that INCLUDES why I lovingly invite you to raise your rates!

PS: If you’re ready to do the healing work on your beliefs when it comes to money so you feel great AND in service being an Abundant Yoga Business Owner, check out the GYYB curriculum here: http://www.amymcdonald.com.au/growingyouryogabiz/
I believe that aligning your money beliefs with your spiritual practice is the most important part of moving from Yoga teaching hobbyist to Yoga teaching professional.
That’s why GYYB starts with ‘The Money Mindset of an Abundant Yoga Business Owner’.
If this work calls to you, you’re in double the luck!
There are some AWESOME bonuses still available to GYYB, so head on over to the info page and take a peek.
Here is the link again: http://www.amymcdonald.com.au/growingyouryogabiz/