Swami Sivananda describes Vasana as 'waves on the mind-lake' and Sri Ramana Maharishi said a life free of Vasana is an 'eternal state of purity.'
So what are Vasanas, exactly, and how do they impact us in business?
Also in this episode some chanting from my Yoga retreat this past weekend.
Like a little more #YogaNerd with me?
Join me at Sama Studio this November for Module 1 of the History and Philosophy of Yoga. All of the details are here: https://www.facebook.com/events/480266629439992/
What do we really know about the history of Yoga? How much have you thought and read about where Yoga comes from, and how much do you repeat from what others have shared? Could it be time for an accuracy tune-up?
Who is Patanjali, anyway? What is the 8 limbs about and how well does that system represent the overall teachings of the Yoga tradition? How can we use the Yoga Sutras in a way that makes sense to householders in 2019?
What is Tantra, how is it different from Patanjali’s classical Yoga and why is it fundamental to the progression of Hatha Yoga? How does reality come into being, and what on earth do Siva and Sakti have to do with it? A fun exploration of basic Tantric metaphysics: hold on to your #yoganerd hat!
This weekend will be a combination of lectures, discussion, debate and fun. Whether you’re a Yoga teacher looking for an inspiring recharge or a professional development booster, or a Yoga student just hungry to get your geek on, come join us for a weekend of Yoga history and philosophy, Amy-style!