You've worked hard to become the talented Yoga teacher you are. Invested thousands of dollars and hours, dedicated to your path with integrity and Tapas (discipline) offering classes that support your students.
But without the fundamental business pieces you're left struggling financially, confused and frustrated about marketing, pricing and visibility.
It's not your fault. Most Yoga Teacher Trainings offer scant (at best) discussion of the Biz of Yoga. Which is so weird, because knowing the fundamentals of running an abundant Yoga biz are just as important as teaching a rocking Asana class.
So if you're ready to bridge the gap between being a talented Yoga teacher and earning money as a yoga professional, I've got just thing for you.
I’ve done the starving teacher thing. Honestly, it was hard work!
For a few years I kidded myself that it was more spiritual for me to struggle and deny myself than to support, nourish and invest in myself. Can you relate?
Remember the Yoga Sutras?
Here Patanjali is talking about effort (Sthira) AND ease (Sukham)… right? As in, we need BOTH? Even the great sage of Yoga himself recognises that we don’t have to struggle all the time!
For me, having an abundant income doing something I love brings an abundance of ease into my life.
Ease looks different for different people. Ease for me looks like being able to pay my bills on time, buy great organic food, travel, take trainings, upgrade my home and enjoy a nourishing social life (that is rather global!)
What would more ease feel like for you?
Teaching classes that are full of inspiring and dedicated students so you leave the studio feeling even more lit up about your path than when you arrived?
Having enough time in your schedule for class planning AND your own practice, ending the tug of war for your 'yoga' time?
Ditching your weekend classes and the classes you just don't love because the ones you do adore teaching are abundant?
Knowing exactly what to do online to attract your ideal students so you're not wasting hours and hours trying to figure out internet marketing by yourself?
Feeling confident about your prices so that your rates authentically reflect the true value of your offerings and appeal to the students who love learning from you?
Being able to anticipate your income a month in advance so you're not hoping to cover the rent each time?
Having the amount of money you desire so you never feel your professional development comes at the expense of the day-to-day needs of family life?
These are just some of the ways ease can manifest.
Are you ready to Make Your Yoga Biz Make Money to experience it?
“I have instigated changes that you helped me focus on and I feel so much more energised about my business. I am finally teaching the classes I want to teach and the feedback from students has been 100% positive. Thanks so much for helping me see more clearly, and devise a plan of action to go where I want to go with my business.”
“Q: How can I ever thank you enough for being just the spark of Shakti and inspiration that I needed to get me back on track?
A: Go forth and create my abundant yoga business to share my knowledge, experience and passion, and offer the gift of yoga to those who need and want what I do...”
“I am amazed at Amy’s capacity to reach in pick out the seed that is underlying the obstacles. I didn’t think we could get through it all in our 90 minutes, but we did, and today I feel lighter in the heart and clearer in the head with intelligent wisdom. ”
The Make Your Yoga Biz Make Money Program is designed to be alchemising. It's potent and direct.
We will work together in a ninety minute intensive to:
Clarify the true level of abundance you desire from your Yoga biz and create a super-simple and do-able plan to achieve it.
Eliminate the Chaya (shadow) in your pricing, scheduling and class offerings so your business model makes sense and is in alignment with your desired lifestyle.
Determine the two best social media platforms for your business so you’re not spreading yourself too thin and can show up in a confident and empowered way online.
Map out your messaging and marketing so you’re clear on what to do and how to do it to attract the perfect students to your unique offerings.
Dissolve blocks and barriers and correct mindset misalignments so you’re actually ready to receive money in your Yoga biz!
“I have just replayed our intensive from Tuesday. I have made sooo many notes that I can’t wait to implement. It was an amazing session. I am feeling much clearer now on the action steps that I need to take to move forward. It’s like you cleared my brain fog for me. I’m feeling very motivated and can’t wait to report back to you with my incredible results which I know I’m going to get.”
“Thank you for giving me a different perspective Amy - in one session you’ve illuminated the blind spots that held me back from realising my potential!”
The Make Your Yoga Biz Make Money Program = clarity + action plan + momentum.
You, me and your biz in a deep dive, 90-minute intensive to map out where you want to go and how you want to get there. And all via online video so we have the flexibility of space and the power of one-on-one time.
The Make Your Yoga Biz Make Money Program has what you need to Make Your Yoga Biz Make Money. Are you up for it?
90 Minute Intensive
Pay In Full
$500 AUD
“Always so good to have you there with the machete clearing the branches from the path when it becomes hard to see. That’s what it kind of feels like. Just a slightly different perspective makes me realise it is all working, even though at times I feel it isn’t. Thanks as always. I would not still be teaching yoga without your support, encouragement and swift boots up the bum occasionally ;)”
I love to work with talented holistic practitioners and Yoga teachers who are super committed to their craft and ready to take action - just like these amazing women.
My clients get results and their businesses make money. Are you ready to Make Your Yoga Biz Make Money, too?
If it is for you, now is the time to take action.
If you're:
Sick of struggling to make the money you desire
Scared that you're on the edge of burn out or falling out of love with Yoga
Clear that you need to be more visible online but don't know where to start
Ready to welcome more high-vibe, loyal students into your Sangha
And plain tired of trying to figure the biz piece out all on your own
If you're really ready to Make Your Yoga Biz Make Money with a half-day intensive with me and two amazing bonus trainings, this program is for you.
“Wow, I can’t thank you enough! Yesterday was literally life changing. Thank you for guiding me even deeper down my healing path as we discovered a pattern I have been holding onto subconsciously for years. I feel such an excitement that it has been discovered so I can finally move beyond that and really step forward with an open heart and finally show people ME!”
“My intensive was amazing and Amy is such a talented coach! In a short time with her, I got clear on things that I previously had been confused about for years and wasn’t taking action on. Now I’m confident, excited and putting my website up and preparing to work for myself full time doing what I love.”
“I had grown to a stage where I needed direction from someone who understands the industry. Amy was able to give advice from a perspective student point of view and offer suggestions/advice on how to overcome them. I found the pre workshop info pack to be the most helpful tool. We were able to dive right into the training as Amy had all my sites, concerns, visions and business info ready in front of her.”