This showed up as...
“Since I joined GYYB my Yoga teaching ‘hobby’ is now a thriving, valid business. I have tripled my income and client base, developed a profitable retreat program, expanded my horizons and network, met fabulous new people and learnt valuable business lessons from accounting to social media! This program is truly amazing and I would recommend it to anyone!”
“GYYB is the exact injection of inspiration, up-skilling and gorgeous community support that I - and my business needed. GYYB supported me to rebirth my flailing Yoga biz and reconnect with my purpose and passion. I have way better foundations and alignment that ever before!”
“The course gave me the skills, knowledge, and confidence to finally leave my day job and go full-time Yoga teaching; without selling my soul or losing my integrity.”
Growing Your Yoga Business is an in depth, Yoga-specific business development training program that provides targeted, clear AND fun training to Yoga teachers on exactly how to grow an abundant Yoga business while making the alchemising shift to take their existing Yoga business to its fullest potential.
Growing Your Yoga Business is an in depth, Yoga-specific business development training program that provides targeted, clear AND fun training to Yoga teachers on exactly how to grow an abundant Yoga business while making the alchemising shift to take their existing Yoga business to its fullest potential.
is an in-depth 6-month program that can be accessed online and includes 8 video-based trainings + 8 modules, 9 live coaching calls, plus some VERY juicy bonuses that show you step-by-step how to make your abundant transition from Yoga teacher to Yoga Business Owner (including figuring out who you love to teach and why, developing a brand you love plus making the money you deserve).
is an in-depth 6-month program that can be accessed online and includes 8 video-based trainings + 8 modules, 9 live coaching calls, plus some VERY juicy bonuses that show you step-by-step how to make your abundant transition from Yoga teacher to Yoga Business Owner (including figuring out who you love to teach and why, developing a brand you love plus making the money you deserve).
Shifting your mindset from Yoga teacher hobbyist to Yoga business owner
Discovering and dissolving the money mindset blocks and beliefs that are stopping you earning the money you desire
Identifying where are you giving your power away with money (friend discounts, old prices, undercharging) and how to shift it with integrity and grace
Owning where are you being cheap with yourself in business (lack of support, trying to do it all yourself, using systems that don’t work) and making your desired changes
Simple structures and systems to track and grow your business without sending you into accounting overwhelm
Policies and procedures, terms and conditions: the Siva container to hold your business safely and with clarity
Manage admin like a champ (it ain’t sexy but it makes ALL the difference!)
Teach, share and speak from YOUR sense of Yoga and let go of any fears about being too ‘much’, too ‘spiritual’, too…
Identify the unique characteristics that make you standout and shine in your business so you no longer worry about competition or 'a full market'
Discover your own brand values and attributes that set you apart from every other Yoga teacher so you can let go of comparison-itis for good!
Understanding your own motivations and patterns: the 6 basic human needs and how they show up in your teaching and Yoga business
Creating perfect etiquette and culture to build community, loyalty and discipline in your Sangha
What you didn’t even know was your Yoga: mastering the challenges of managing difficult people, interactions and conversations
Overcoming blocks and barriers to finally ‘putting yourself out there’
Discovering what fear, doubt and self-sabotage is all about and how you can begin to work against them to step into your new-found confidence!
Getting it done… well: video, photoshoots, recordings and social media confidence
Creating great time and energy boundaries so your selfcare and personal practice take a FRONT seat as an essential part of your business growth
Knowing when and what to outsource, delegate or contract so you work in your areas of genius and stop trying to be all things to all people!
Stepping it up: project planning for your first half day workshop, retreat, training or events
Discovering how to incorporating social media into your business growth plan in a way that is about building relationships with real people, not selling
Mastering email marketing, growing your mailing list and creating newsletters that are inviting, authentic and compelling for your Sangha
Writing copy that actually sounds like you, conveys your message and is EASY to write while inspiring and motivating your students
Feel so confident and in integrity in the services you offer that you LOVE talking about them with your community!
Embracing business planning as a tool for clarity and confidence that can be suited exactly to YOUR style
Seeking ongoing support to ensure you stay the course, continue to grow and celebrate your successes
Remembering concealment and revelation to managing setbacks, contractions and downturns as lessons and opportunities for insight and growth
• Business Skills including marketing online and offline, branding, creating offers, list building, websites—everything you need to fill your practice with ideal students and clients.
• Personal Development. Upgrading your mindset around making money, raising your standards, setting healthy boundaries, charging your worth, teaching from your heart and strengthening your confidence to be visible in the world.
• Community & Friends! You deserve to have a supportive community who knows what you’re going through as you start or grow your business. You definitely don’t need to do this alone or figure everything out for yourself!
• Business Skills including marketing online and offline, branding, creating offers, list building, websites—everything you need to fill your practice with ideal students and clients.
• Personal Development. Upgrading your mindset around making money, raising your standards, setting healthy boundaries, charging your worth, teaching from your heart and strengthening your confidence to be visible in the world.
• Community & Friends! You deserve to have a supportive community who knows what you’re going through as you start or grow your business. You definitely don’t need to do this alone or figure everything out for yourself!
“ Amy is fantastic at providing support and ideas for practical implementation and I love that Yoga philosophy underpins her approach to running a business.
An unexpected bonus of doing this course is the friendship, support and practical help of the awesome group of teachers and business owners that made up this GYYB.”
This program is the richest blend of Sangha and fun, group learning with potent, Yoga-specific business teachings.
My Sankalpa is that is provides everything you need to transform your Yoga teaching into something more sustainable, more rewarding and more abundant.
This program is the richest blend of Sangha and fun, group learning with potent, Yoga-specific business teachings.
My Sankalpa is that is provides everything you need to transform your Yoga teaching into something more sustainable, more rewarding and more abundant.
“Amy’s GYYB program has been a fantastic learning experience for me. Personal and business mindset shifts, boundaries and planning strategies are just a few of the things I have learnt. Best thing is, I can revisit the program whenever I like, and suit it to my own timeframe.”
“This course has everything I needed and more! My confidence, creativity and inspiration have all increased. I’ve been offered and taken on opportunities that I never thought possible. I felt supported, inspired and guided at every stage!”
“Since joining the GYYB program I doubled my class sizes, collaborated on hosting an Instagram challenge, and really meaningfully launched my business online in order to move overseas and kickstart this new chapter in my life - a location independent laptop lifestyle!”
“Before doing GYYB with Amy I had been doggedly teaching 10 to 14 classes a week knowing my teaching should be evolving but had no idea how. Now I have the confidence and marketing know-how to fill my classes as well as host monthly workshops which are also booked out. I’ve built a fabulous website, have had articles published and I’m about to host my first retreat. ”
“You know when what you have learned sunk in hen you are getting ready to promote an upcoming class series, realise your sales page is more in the pre-GYYB fashion, and just can’t do it without fixing that page! Thank you, Amy, for being the voice in my head!”
“The night I committed to GYYB with Amy (literally in the dying hours to book) I couldn’t have imagined where I would find myself only a few months later. I have left my soul destroying job, opened a SUCCESSFUL home studio, fallen in love with greater freedom and ease in my life and dealt with some lifelong limiting beliefs that I thought were permanent!”
“GYYB has helped me to fall in LOVE with the business part on being a Yoga teacher. Being a part of GYYB has also increased my confidence and ability to set boundaries, thus has been nothing less than transformative.”
I'd much prefer...
...to talk about what Draupadi's magical sari can teach us about abundance.
I'd much prefer to share with you how feeding our Anadamaya Kosha is essential for business growth.
I'd much prefer to nerd out about what we can learn from Krishna's tent-side chat with Arjuna about internet marketing (OK, indirectly. But I can make a strong correlation!)
“GYYB has turned my business around, Yoga is now my business and my life and I’m so much happier for it!! I have learnt so much and dramatically expanded my Yoga knowledge too! I now have a brand that I’m really proud of and i’m earning money doing something that really lights me up. I feel so confident about what I’m offering and my students and clients recognise that.”
“GYYB was such a great business decision for me! By the time it finished I had implemented many new things that made me feel professional and knowledgeable. I’m calling in even more abundance in my business. There really is no limit now as to what I can achieve in my business.”
“Since working with Amy on GYYB I have moved to a larger, more conducive space for group classes and increased my clientele, resulting in my income having almost doubled compared to the same time last year. I now feel empowered as a Yoga Business Owner and am even planning my first ever overseas retreat later this year - something I would never have dreamed of”
“I’ve manifested my first private client, begun to build my mailing list and filled my most recent beginners’ course. I’ve run successful Facebook ad campaigns, am planning my first workshop and am healing my mindset around money. Most importantly I’ve loved being part of an incredible community of high-vibe, supportive Yoga teachers.”