Have you been dreaming about launching your own business but aren’t sure where to start?

Or perhaps you have a side hustle ready to grow into full-time self-employment.

Maybe you’ve seen others succeed in ways you’ve only imagined, but you’re lacking the courage or confidence to take that big step forward.

Imagine spending a weekend gaining clarity on your dream business - a venture that aligns with your purpose, interests, and passions.

A business that not only supports you financially but also makes you feel like you’re truly making a difference in the world.

These kinds of businesses are possible; we’ve created them for ourselves and have helped others do the same.

Join us for a powerful weekend where we’ll support you in taking those crucial steps for yourself.

Picture a business that gives you the freedom to take great care of yourself. Perhaps you’ve been sacrificing family time or neglecting self-care due to the demands of a nine-to-five job. You know you’re meant for a different way of living, but the realities of working on someone else’s schedule hold you back.

If you’re at a point in your career where you’ve accumulated a wealth of life experience and valuable lessons, now might be the perfect time to transition into self-employment.

Share your gifts with those who need them, and bring your unique knowledge and skills to those eager to learn from you.


Starting a business or transitioning to full-time entrepreneurship requires a supportive environment. Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals who understand your vision is crucial.

Emerging dreams can be fragile, easily crushed by well-meaning loved ones. Instead, spend a weekend in Victoria's serene spa country with two women who’ve successfully made the leap from corporate careers to self-employment they genuinely love.

This is not just a feel-good weekend for your ideas. This is an opportunity to get crystal clear on what you want in life and business, and to begin crafting detailed maps, plans, and strategies to achieve your goals.

Will it be motivating?


But it will also be practical, focusing on the specifics of how to turn your dreams into reality.


Our retreat features a range of workshops designed to give you the clarity, mindset & tools to make your dream business come to life. Led by experienced facilitators, these sessions cover topics like Vision, Purpose, Passion, and Values & Business fundamentals (Biz Strategy & Plan, Branding & Marketing). Combining theory with practical exercises, each workshop provides actionable insights and skills to ensure you walk away with clarity and a strategic plan to reach your goal.

During the retreat, you'll participate in personalised coaching sessions aimed at fostering your growth and transformation. These intimate sessions provide tailored guidance and support, helping you delve into your goals and challenges. You’ll gain actionable insights and strategies to make lasting changes, ensuring your retreat experience is both inspiring and practical.


Spend this life changing weekend with Amy & Laura to develop, enhance and refine your vision, brand, business, marketing & action plan:

  1. Getting super clear on what you want out of your life and business

  2. Creating a brand you love and an offering that you are passionate about

  3. Developing an unstoppable action plan to bring your ideas to life 

  4. Becoming a part of a supportive group of like minded women who are on the same journey as you.

  5. No longer procrastinating about the business you want and have taken massive action towards your new life!

  6. Getting potent ideas, motivation and support from Amy & Laura.


BONUS: Vision Boarding Workshop

In our Vision Boarding Workshop, you’ll create a visual representation of your dream life and goals using images, words, and symbols. This interactive session is more than an art project; it’s a powerful tool to keep you focused and motivated. Your vision board will help you explore your deepest desires and manifest them into reality, serving as a constant reminder of what you’re working towards.


Your Guides

Laura Petrie

Laura Petrie is an accredited Coach & registered Counsellor based in Melbourne, Australia. She is a solo Mum to two gorgeous boys, a nature lover & a joy seeker, who went through a journey of personal development to transform her life from simply existing, to designing & living a life she loves!

Laura is passionate about encouraging and motivating women to confidently move through life’s personal and professional challenges and transitions. She loves working with and empowering women to confidently pursue and achieve their personal and professional goals and dreams. those who are simply looking for more joy, purpose and meaning in their lives.

Amy McDonald

As a transformational business coach, women’s counsellor and Yoga teacher, Amy McDonald draws on the ancient stories, folklore and teachings of Yoga, modern techniques and tools as well as her own experience and the experiences of her clients to support women to learn and grow by accessing their own inner wisdom.

Amy hosts the weekly Abundant Yoga Teacher podcast and has supported Yoga teachers, counsellors, body workers, personal trainers, hairdressers, dance and movement facilitators and other wellness professionals launch their dream businesses, generate wealth and build strategy and certainty to leave the corporate world.


Your continued Journey

Chances are you’ve taken business trainings or seminars before. Maybe you’ve been to a local business women’s event. Perhaps you’ve attended a big one-day convention for entrepreneurs that’s left you feeling excited but overwhelmed.

Maybe you’ve bought the books or trainings about staring a side-hustle, being a ‘rich lucky bitch’, B School…

As coaches, here’s one thing we know for sure. No matter how profound and supportive an intensive weekend like this retreat is, the medicine wears off. We are committed to the dreams of our clients. We want you to have the ‘ah-ha’ moments, the clarity, the forward momentum over out time together AND we want you to keep moving ahead after we leave Hepburn Springs.

In addition to this powerful weekend, your investment includes additional post-retreat support, mentoring and coaching from us.

Specifically, you will benefit from:

  • 2 x Post-Retreat Group Coaching Sessions

    After the retreat, you’ll participate in two group coaching sessions. These sessions offer continued camaraderie and collective wisdom as you integrate insights from the retreat into your daily life. They provide a supportive environment to address challenges, set new goals, and sustain your growth momentum alongside your fellow retreat participants.

  • 1 x Post-Retreat One-on-One Coaching Session

    You’ll also receive a personalised one-on-one coaching session tailored to your unique needs and aspirations. This session offers focused guidance and support as you navigate your onward journey, ensuring that the breakthroughs and clarity gained during the retreat are translated into tangible action steps for continued progress and success.

    With our ongoing support and coaching, we’re committed to empowering you to keep moving forward, long after our time together in Hepburn Springs.


YouR retreat selfcare

Over this powerful weekend you will be physically nourished and supported with Yoga practices facilitated by Amy who has taught Yoga since 2009 and studied with the world’s best teachers. We will enjoy the onsite Yoga space Saturday and Sunday morning for energising and accessible Hatha yoga and mindfulness practices that will be completely customised to suit everyone in our group, whether you’re a lifelong practitioner or you’ve never tried Yoga before.

In the breaks you might like to enjoy a quiet spot in the garden, sip a herbal tea on the balcony or take some timeout in the onsite bathhouse and sauna.

We believe selfcare is an essential component of empowered, sustainable entrepreneurship, and instilling these practices from the beginning is an important part of this weekend immersion.


YOur Meals

To support you over this powerful weekend all your meals will be lovingly created by local small businesses using local, seasonal produce. Our catering will be wholesome, vegetarian and customised to everyone’s dietary requirements.

You’ll receive a decadent welcome dinner on the Friday night, breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday and a celebratory ‘launch’ brunch on Sunday morning.


YOur space

Nestled amidst the breathtaking natural beauty of regional Victoria lies "The Oxford," an extraordinary property that promises a truly unique and unforgettable escape. From its picturesque private garden to its eclectic interior design, The Oxford offers an experience unlike any other, a distinctive retreat in regional Victoria.


Our time together will come to an end early afternoon allowing you the space to finish your beautiful weekend away however you wish:

Spend the afternoon indulging in hydrotherapy, massage or beauty therapy at the beautifully restored Hepburn Bathhouse & Spa, established in 1895.

Pop on your walking shoes for a bush walk through Hepburn Regional Park to check out Sailor’s Falls and the Mineral Springs, or take a relaxed stroll around the picturesque Lake Daylesford.

Head to Daylesford to wander through Daylesford Sunday Market and the gorgeous art galleries & boutiques, before grabbing some local produce from the provedores to take home with you.


Your Investment

This is a beautifully curated and facilitated weekend in Victoria’s spa country, where, in the company of other inspiring and passionate women, you’ll work on your dream business in supportive and dynamic workshops, enjoy delicious and nourishing meals, boutique accommodation, and welcoming and accessible Yoga.

To keep you accountable and moving ahead with your vision, you’ll also receive coaching and support with Amy and Laura in the months to follow as an important inclusion in your investment.

Join us.

Twin Share

FULL RATE: $1999


16 places available

15 places remaining

Private Room

FULL RATE: $2499


3 places available

2 places remaining

The Super Early Bird Rate is available until June, 30, 2024.

Super Early Bird Ends

Over this incredible weekend retreat, you will receive:

  • Coaching, mentoring and support

  • Vision Boarding Workshop

  • Workshops and group work

  • Two nights of beautiful accommodation at Oxford House, Hepburn Springs in a twin or private room

  • Saturday and Sunday morning Yoga classes

  • Friday welcome dinner

  • Breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday

  • A farewell and celebration brunch on Sunday

  • Access to the sauna, gardens and beautiful spaces of the accomodation

  • Herbal teas and fruits

  • 2 x Group coaching sessions (post retreat)

  • 1 x 1:1 Coaching session (post retreat)


Want to know more?

Here’s the replay of an information session we hosted recently. You’ll see how excited we are about seeing you on Retreat!


Our Stories

Laura Petrie embarked on a huge journey of personal development, going from living an ‘uninspired life’ to designing and living a life she loves. A pivotal part of this transformation was taking action on a long held dream of becoming a Coach and Counsellor, culminating in the opening of her Private Practice in 2023.

After more than 20 years experience at middle management level in the corporate sector, Laura chose to prioritise her vision of creating a life with more freedom, flexibility & creativity. Today, she aligns her work with her core values, passionately supporting and empowering other women to thrive.

Balancing a part-time corporate role, Laura is dedicated to building her practice and guiding others toward their own transformative journeys.


Amy McDonald developed several side hustles while working in the government sustainability and policy space. She trained as a Yoga teacher and a life coach and then in 2016 left her safe, secure, ‘adult’ management job to launch her Yoga Business Coaching.

Since taking that leap, Amy has worked with thousands of wellness professionals around the world, offering retreats and workshops in Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, the USA, Ireland and the UK. She offers private 1:1 high level coaching as well as a small group mastermind.

Ever a side-hustler, Amy still teachers Yoga locally in Castlemaine and in 2022 launched her counselling practice. She now generates a multiple six-figure annual income while working 3 days a week, 3 weeks a month, giving her time for her passion for camping and being in nature and volunteering as a crisis support worker.

Amy’s known for her compassionate ‘no bullsh!t’ approach and is endlessly thrilled to support her clients to soar.


Why not you?

We know what it’s like to have a dream, an idea, or a baby business that you chip away at when you can. We also know what its like to feel so out of alignment with what you do for a living, with how you spend much of your time, but you just don’t have the confidence or the clarity to take the leap.

We’ve been there.

It can feel scary or like its possible for others but just not for you.

But what if it WAS for you?

Join us for this incredible weekend and let’s get you clear on your dream business and well on your way to making it your reality.


Have Questions?

If you’re not sure if this is the right fit for you, reach out to us for a no-obligation open conversation about your goals!

You can email Laura at hello@laurapetrie.com.au

You can email Amy at amy@amymcdonald.com.au